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eReserves: MyDocs App

Check out CGCC Library's Electronic Reserve Collection for digital editions of text used in courses.

MyDocs App

You will need the MyDocs app downloaded on your device used to access eReserve titles. 
MyDocs is available on the Pecos and Williams Libraries computers.
view of MyDocs app

Banner for MyDocs app

 QR Code for MyDocs app information and app store details

You can use the Pecos and Williams Libraries' KIC scanners for other material and export it as a "KSS" file. Opening the KSS file in your MyDocs app activates additional features such as reading the text, flashcards, and quick read.  

Pecos Library

Pecos Contact information


Pecos Campus
Library (LIB)
Circulation: 480.857.5102
Reference: 480.857.5100
Mon.-Thurs.: 8am - 6pm

* For the Summer Semester, we will be closed:

  • May 29, Memorial Day
  • June 19, Juneteenth Day
  • July 4, Independence Day

Williams Library

Williams Contact information 


Williams Campus
Library (BRID)
Circulation: 480.988.8611
Reference: 480.988.8275
Mon.-Thu.: 7:00 am - 5:30 pm

* For the Summer Semester, we will be closed:

  • May 29, Memorial Day
  • June 19, Juneteenth Day
  • July 4, Independence Day


Click on the course prefix and textbook title to access its digital edition. You must be a CGCC student  or faculty to use this collection and will be asked to login with your MEID and MEID password. You'll need the MyDocs app on your device or computer to display the book and study guide features including highlighting, notetaking and more.  See the MyDocs section on the left for more details. For details on the eReserves collection, call Circulation Services, 480-857-5102.

ART131 Photography

AVIATION Flying Magazine

BIO201/202 Anatomy and Physiology

COM100 Introduction to Human Communication

COM225 Public Speaking 

COM230 Small Group Communication

EDU292 The Art of Storytelling

ENH112 Chicano Studies

EXS101 Introduction to Exercise Science

EXS125/146/215/217 NASM Essentials Personal Fitness Training 

FON100 Introductory Nutrition 

FON241 Principles of Human Nutrition

HIS103 United States History to 1865

HIS104 United States History 1865 to Present

HIS201 History of Women in America

MAT055  Algebraic Structures

MAT056 Functions I Student Book

MAT057  Functions II Student Book

PHI101 Introduction to Philosophy - Plato to Hobbes

PHI101 Introduction to Philosophy - Baruch Spinoza to J.L. Austin

PSY101 Introduction to Psychology 2e

PSY101 Introduction to Psychology - Experience Psychology

PSY132 Psychology and Culture

PSY230  Introduction to Statistics

PSY230 Introduction to Statistics - Statistics for Psychology

PSY240 Developmental Psychology

RDG100 Successful College Reading - Educated

RDG100  Successful College Reading - Born a Crime

REL100 World Religions